Patent Timing - When to
An ongoing tension exists between
business realities and patent
laws. To make better decisions, the costs of obtaining patent
protection should be deferred as long as possible. To obtain the best patent
protection available, a patent application should be filed as early
as possible. Smart decision-making requires that these counterveiling concerns be
weighed in the determination of when to take action.
U.S. law provides a one year "grace
period" for filing a patent application: A U.S. Patent is
invalid if no application was filed within one year of the first
time that the invention was offered for sale, sold, publicly used,
or publicly disclosed. Most foreign countries require a first,
priority application to be filed earlier; prior to the first time
the invention becomes available to the public. A common
recommendation is to file, at a minimum, at least a provisional
patent application prior to the first offer for
sale/sale/use/disclosure of the invention. |